Cement board is a combination of cementand reinforcing fibers formed into 4 foot by 8 foot sheets (or 3 foot by 5 foot sheets),
1/4 to 1/2 inch thick that are typically used as a tilebacking board. Cement board can be nailed or screwed to wood or steel studs to
create a substrate for vertical tile and attached horizontally to plywood for tile floors,kitchen counters and backsplashes.
It can be used on the exterior of buildings as a base for exterior plaster systems and sometimes as the finish system itself.
Cement board adds impact resistance and strength to the wall surface as compared to water resistant gypsumboards.
Cement board is also fabricated in thin sheets with polymer modified cements to allow bending for curved surfaces.
As a tile backing board, cement board has better long-term performance than paper-faced gypsum core products because it
will not mold, mildew or physically break down in the continued presence of moisture or leaks. Cement board is not actually
waterproof, but it is highly resistant to absorbing moisture and has excellent drying properties. In areas continually exposed to
water spray (i.e. showers) a waterproofing barrier is usually recommended behind the boards or as a trowel-applied product to the face of the boards behind the finish system.
Cement board is hung with corrosion resistant screws or ring-shank nail,Cement board has very little movement under thermal stress,
but the boards are usually installed with a slight gap at joints in shower pans, bathtubs, and each other. These joints are then filled with silicone sealantor the manufacturer’s taping compounds before applying a finish. The filled joints are taped like conventional gypsum
board, but with fiberglass tapes that provide additional water resistance. Combined with a water impermeable finish, cement board is a
stable, durable backing board.

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